Limitless has joined forces with Dubai Police to remind motorists of the dangers of driving too fast, with a series of ‘Speed Kills’ messages on the giant screens at The Galleries at Downtown Jebel Ali.
The 105 square metre screens, which face Sheikh Zayed Road and are passed by more than 200,000 drivers each day, are being used as part of a two-month police campaign to cut road deaths by 25 per cent each year, aiming for zero fatalities by 2020.
Bahaa Abouhatab, Project Director at The Galleries, said: “The Galleries is strategically located on Sheikh Zayed Road between Dubai and Abu Dhabi – an ideal place to hammer home this important message. We fully support Dubai Police in its quest to save lives, and are delighted to be helping to raise public awareness by carrying the very harsh but very true message that ‘Speed Kills’.”
Major General Mohammed Saif Al Zafin, Director of the General Department of Traffic of Dubai Police, said: “Speeding kills hundreds of drivers each year and we are determined to reduce fatalities with this campaign and other initiatives such as increasing police patrols and using more radars and cameras to detect speeding motorists. We thank Limitless and all of our other partners for their support.”
The Galleries, Limitless’ flagship project in Dubai, is 45 minutes by road from Abu Dhabi and directly accessed via Interchange 8 on Sheikh Zayed Road. The mixed-use project, currently home to nearly 2,000 commercial and retail tenants, includes A-grade offices, retail space and a 20,000 square metre outdoor landscaped Plaza. For leasing call Limitless on +971 4 435 7868 or visit