
Dubai-based global developer opens regional HQ in Singapore

Limitless, a global integrated real estate  arm of Dubai World, has staked its claim on the Far East, with the opening of new regional headquarters in Singapore.

The office, in the heart of Singapore’s central business districts, is the nerve centre for Limitless activities in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, where the company has identified a number of potential projects. Limitless has also embarked on an aggressive recruitment campaign for the region.

Dusan Mills, Head of Limitless Development, said” This part of the world is an exciting and dynamic region for Limitless. We are currently negotiating a significant project near Hanoi in Vietnam, and by this time next year, we expect to have half a dozen projects underway in the Far East.”

“The opening of our office in Singapore is a major milestone for Limitless and is backed by an aggressive staff recruitment programme. We hope to have around 20 team members based in Singapore by the end of 2007-and that figure will continue to rise as Limitless increases its number of projects across the region.”

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Media enquiries: Rebecca Rees, Limitless PR on +971 4 375 9733
                                Nawel Benoumeur, Limitless PR on +971 4 375 9895