Limitless Green Committee

Sustainability – including recycling, resource conservation, waste reduction, alternative energy use and green transport – is fundamental to our business. We are cementing our commitment to eco-friendliness by ‘walking the talk’ and implementing a growing number of green schemes at our offices.
These schemes are the work of the Limitless Green Committee, the driving force behind initiatives that focus on the three Rs of the eco world – reduce, reuse, recycle.
The committee – whose members are drawn from departments across the company including Facilities Management, Corporate Strategy and our Development Centres of Excellence – meets regularly to discuss, plan and implement practices that allow us to reduce our impact on the environment.
Through the actions of the Green Committee, our intention is to embed environmental awareness into the Limitless culture by encouraging staff to think green in all they do – not just at the workplace, but at home, too.
Recent initiatives implemented in our offices include:
Reducing paper use by setting all computers to print double sided by default. We estimate that this will save the equivalent of one tree a day.
Cutting the use of plastic water bottles, leading to a saving of up to 95,000 litres of oil needed to produce the bottles.
Installing recycling bins throughout our premises to collect glass, paper, aluminium and plastic.
Reusing existing materials wherever possible, such as the 8,000 sheets of outdated letterhead paper that were transformed into nearly 100 notebooks for staff to use.